SIIG JK-WR0312-S1 - Features & Usage Impressions

The SIIG JK-WR0312-S1 is a wireless mini keyboard with an integrated multi-touch touchpad. Using 2x AAA batteries, it operates in the 2.4 GHz range and has an advertised range of 33 ft. The integrated touchpad supports multi-finger touch, which allows it to simulate a 3-button mouse despite have only two physical buttons beneath the touch area.

Each touchpad has its own set of gestures mapped to different events. Some touchpads have vertical scrolling by moving a finger along the right edge, and some have pinch to zoom functionalities. The touchpad in this keyboard maps taps with one finger, two fingers and three fingers to the left button, middle button and right button click respectively. Double tapping with a single finger is a double click (this is universal across all touchpads). A double tap and hold coupled with the sliding of another finger corresponds to a drag operation, while the vertical scroll is implemented by vertical sliding of two fingers together.

The Ctrl-Fn key position swap and the /.numeric keypad / main keypad issue of the JK-WR0412-S1 (described in the previous section) are also present in this keyboard. There is an auto-sleep mode after 8 to 10 minutes of inactivity, and an explicit key press or mouse button click is necessary to come out of that mode. Again, this is a bit messy for HTPC scenarios, where users tend to move fingers across the touchpad but find the unit unresponsive when in sleep mode. Unlike the trackball keyboard, there is not even a hidden indication of the unit being in this mode. Despite supporting multiple channels, there appears to be no support for auto-frequency hopping. In case of keyboard range issues or operational issues, pressing the pairing buttons on the receiver as well as the keyboard helps shift the communication to a different channel. Unlike the JK-WR0412-S1, the keys are of the standard size. They are quiet and a pleasure to type on. However, the two touchpad buttons are quite noisy.


Amongst the positives for the unit are the recessed storage compartment in the main unit for the USB receiver (makes it easy to carry around the unit and/or store everything safely for later use). Unlike the other keyboards covered in this piece, we have two legs on the underside which can be snapped open for tilt and height adjustment. This makes the unit a better fit for extended typing duties compared to the rest.

SIIG JK-WR0412-S1 - Features & Usage Impressions Comparisons & Concluding Remarks
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  • sxr7171 - Sunday, March 2, 2014 - link

    IMHO this is the best (and cheap):
  • 457R4LDR34DKN07 - Sunday, March 2, 2014 - link

    Logitech dinovo mini is the best in size with little sacrifice. Too bad it's now discontinued without a serious replacement in sight.
  • hughlle - Sunday, March 2, 2014 - link

    I bought the mini, and yup, its was pretty good, but soon replaced it with the edge. And despite the occasional Bluetooth dropout, (one of mine, a Spanish version does it a lot, my UK version, rarely, odd) I've never looked back. Best keyboard I've owned. I LOVE laptop style keys :-) but I truly wish HP would make a version of their kt1087 with a touchpad. I absolutely adore it for typing and its so small and light and well made :-)
  • pintos - Sunday, March 2, 2014 - link

    I currently use the Dinovo Edge that I bought on sale some years ago for $30. I chose it mainly because it comes with a charging dock. I never have a dead keyboard unless I forget to dock it.

    I wonder if there some good quality wireless keyboard/mouse combos that can be charge over USB. Maybe even have the option to work over USB while charging.
  • Gigaplex - Sunday, March 2, 2014 - link

    I also use a Dinovo Edge. It's great. Unfortunately I paid close to $300 for mine...
  • nathanddrews - Wednesday, March 5, 2014 - link

    I've been using K400 keyboards on a few of my HTPCs for over a year after going through a number of ***** keyboards. Still haven't changed the batteries... Logitech just announced this, it's a K400 with Harmony functionality:
  • Havor - Monday, March 3, 2014 - link

    Yeah i love my Logitech diNovo Mini, i use it the most for my HTPC if i need a keyboard, next to that i have a Logitech diNovo Edge standing on the table next to my couch, for when i need to do a lot of typing.

    Next to that they both work real well, they also look so nice that i dont even have to hide them.

    Something i would do for sure with to days contenders!
  • Jon Tseng - Monday, March 3, 2014 - link

    DiNovo mini great also works nicely with PS3

    One annoying thing thought - no Function Keys!!
  • rwpritchett - Monday, March 3, 2014 - link

    I have a Dinovo Mini and had nothing but trouble with it with my HTPC. HOWEVER, I discovered this little-known Logitech gem:

    It's the exact same as the Dinovo Mini except it uses standard RF instead of bluetooth and a few button changes. The battery life is incredible, it's still available, AND it's much cheaper than the Dinovo Mini. Anyone considering the Dinovo Mini should consider it.
  • ddrum2000 - Sunday, March 2, 2014 - link

    A few years ago I bought and returned the Lenovo unit in favor of the IOGear. For the limited typing I do I couldn't get used to the keyboard. Additionally, I found the wireless signal to be significantly stronger with the IOGear (maybe its the auto frequency hopping). For the Lenovo, I had to put the USB receiver on the front of the HTPC box with disturbed the aesthetic where as the IOGear receiver can be used on a rear USB port with no problem.

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