NHL 2004

We haven't had a game title that touches on the sports genre. NHL 2004 seemed to be the easiest title of the titles to duplicate for benchmarking, but we nevertheless came up with limitations. A previous version of NHL could save replays, but NHL 2004 cannot, which leaves us with the question on how to duplicate the scenario under different conditions. We can't actually save a replay on our own, but the retail version of NHL 2004 has a built-in demo mode that starts when you are inactive for a while on the main menu of the game. The demo mode is game play that is rendered through the game engine; the camera angles of the demo replay can be achieved if you play the game on your own.

Since the replay is in the game engine and the frame rates were high enough, we turned on AA and AF. Our scores were fairly high even with AA and AF, so we would say that you could run either GPU at up to 1600x1200 without either enabled.

Our scores put the Mobility Radeon 9700 at a 27% lead over the Mobility Radeon 9600 Pro. So there isn't too much unexpected here.

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  • alexruiz - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - link

    Andrew, did you run 3Dmark 2001SE? Do you have the score as reference?

    My guess: Checking the list, you can see that almost ALL the ODMs are included. The manufacturers who make machines for the biggest OEMs are included. 2 missing ones that I noticed are Mitac and Arima, and my guess of the unannounced ODM is ARIMA.... thus, the big OEM announcement will be..... you got the picture :)

    W740K8-D? :P
  • Serp86 - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - link

    Or maybe begins with s, ends with y, and has 4 letters.

    Anyway, the 9700 looks pretty darn good
  • Durt - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - link

    What is the price difference between the two (9600 pro and 9700).
  • PrinceGaz - Tuesday, February 3, 2004 - link

    I wonder who the other BIG unannounced notebook manufacturer using it is... from a wild guess I'd bet the name begins with 'D' and has four letters :p

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