DDR500 Results

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  • retrospooty - Thursday, February 19, 2004 - link

    Nice results at 5:4 vs 1:1 ... See, I told you so, after reading one of your older Ram articles from a few months back... 5:4 2-2-2 beats 1:1 2.5-4-4-8 anyday =)

    I'm glad you tested it !
  • kamper - Thursday, February 19, 2004 - link

    holy tiny target market, batman!

    how many people require memory to run at 275fsb default?
  • Pumpkinierre - Thursday, February 19, 2004 - link

    Very good memory article once again Wesley. I dont know where this 'low latency memory doesnt make any difference' argument started but from my observations, it is false. OCZ usually test on an ABIT IC7 so I wonder why it did't make the grade on the DDR550?

    Any hints as to when DDR500@ 2-2-2-5 is going to become reality. It seems like the old BH5s are still the lowest latency mem. chips and they've been around for a year now. 1:1 at low latencies and PAT aggressive is the way to go. That's why I run my 2.6c at 2.8 even though it goes stable to 3.3 but then I got to run the mem. at 5:4 (no PAT) and performance improvement is barely noticeable.

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