Far Cry Performance

We completed our GeForce 6800 Go testing on a notebook before the Far Cry 1.3 patch was released and did not have access to the notebook after its release, so all of our tests here use the 1.2 patch. that being said, ATI holds a huge performance advantage here of just under 34%. Despite the fact that both of the notebooks are quite playable at this resolution, the performance advantage is clearly in ATI's court in this test.

Our resolution scaling tests show us that once we hit 1024 x 768, the GeForce 6800 Go is left in the dust by M28, but before that when the benchmark is mostly CPU bound the two GPUs perform very similarly.

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  • gibhunter - Monday, November 8, 2004 - link

    Yeah, nice performance, but it's not a laptop. First of all, you need to keep it on a flat surface so that the fans under the system are not blocked. Second, at 12 pounds it's rediculously heavy. An 8 pound notebook is already pushing the limits. At 12 pounds, you can't call it a notebook with a straight face.

    The only exciting part of this product launch is what Anand said. The possibility of the 9800 being the new midrange and being found in smaller notebooks.
  • HardwareD00d - Monday, November 8, 2004 - link

    These new graphics solutions are going to give Intel's upcoming integrated graphics solutions a beating. Hooray for ATI & Nvidia!
  • allnighter - Monday, November 8, 2004 - link

    Nice comeback for nVidia. And a very good review as well. Not exactly apples to apples but under the given circumstances more than enough. If M28 is not availabe at a launch it seems ATi may see another piece of the market chipped away in the mobile sector. Nice indeed. I'm actually happy for nVidia. Can't believe I said that lol, but I really like to see some real competition in the mobile market. It's been a one player game for a long time.
  • Aquila76 - Monday, November 8, 2004 - link

    Let me be the first to say, Holy sh1t! Doom3 at 1280x1024 High Quality 4xAA on a LAPTOP at 40+FPS? I'd love to see these vid cards on an A64 proc, though. I remember not too long ago you had to settle for a couple gen's ago graphic capability. Now they're on par with current desktop offerings. We've come a long way, baby.

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