Wolfenstein: ET Performance

Wolfenstein ET offers the 6600GT a suprise visit from the 5900 Ultra. All the cards are packed in tight on this one, much like the Unreal Tournament test. Also like UT2K4, this test is less about programmability and more about fixed function processing, and the previous gen cards get another chance to shine.

Wolfenstein: ET

The x800 Pro and 6800 GT aren't even stressed and could probably handle 2048x1536 just fine. The rest of the cards all started to drop at about the same rate after 1024x768.

This time, falling in under the 5900 Ultra and 5900XT, the 6600GT and 9800 Pro take a back seat to NVIDIA's previous generation high end cards in the 4x AA resolution scaling test. The x800 Pro and 6800GT of course lead the pack.

Halo Performance Battlefield: Vietnam Performance
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  • Pete - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    Great article, Anand. Are you sure about your 9700P numbers for Far Cry, though? They seem awfully low, especially in relation to a 5900XT.
  • SlinkyDink - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    /*The AGP version of the 6600GT obviously lacks SLI support given that you can only have a single AGP slot on a motherboard.*/

    Actually I believe that AGP 3.0 specs allow up two AGP slots (and both could be used used at once), but nobody ever decided to implement it :P

  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    I am not treating NVIDIA's Video Processor as a feature of any NV4x GPU until NVIDIA provides a working driver and commits to a public release date. The 6600GT AGP supposedly has the same video processor that the PCI Express version has (since they are the same GPU), but to this date NVIDIA has failed to deliver a working driver set to take advantage of it.

    Take care,
  • slurmsmackenzie - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link


    remember, the point is that ati didn't have a bridge in the works at the release of the x700, so now that it has become apparent that agp is still the front running solution, they're behind it it's agp equivelant releases. so, as far as agp interface is concerned, the closest ati comparison is the 9800.
  • vailr - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    Any comments on: comparing the hardware video decoding, of the 6600 vs. the (reportedly faulty)6800; and overall video quality, in comparison with ATI's offerings?
    For those people interested in the best cost-to-performance video solution, for Home Theater PC use.
  • Cybercat - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    They couldn't have been using the NF4 reference motherboard, these are all AGP cards. Also, why is it that the 9800 Pro does 63% better than the 9700 Pro in FarCry? At most that card is around 30% better. Did you guys really rerun the tests with the 9700 Pro using the latest drivers, or did you merely recycle some of the numbers?
  • marcnakm - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    The card I was waiting for.
    Good review, just missing the comparison with the regular 6800 which is very important.
  • Regs - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    This review shows a lot of things. One of them was how the FX series was a horrible failure.
  • draazeejs - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    Did nVidia pay for this article? Is it really fair to put up this card against a 2-years old card, like R9800Pro? As far as I understood, the X700 should be the real competitor for 6600GT, because the X700 is supposed to be in the same price cathegory, no? There have been numerous reviews of the X700 on the net, why not include it here???
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 - link

    The impact of the bridge, as I mentioned in the review, is negligible. The bridge + slower memory results in a 0 - 5% performance difference between the PCI Express and AGP versions of the 6600GT (the 5% figure being because of the additional memory bandwidth courtesy of the 500/1000 clock vs. 500/900).

    Just so you guys know, I went out and picked up a vanilla 6800 for inclusion in my upcoming Half Life 2 GPU comparison. Know that your voice has been heard :)

    Take care,

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