Mac mini Memory

The Mac mini comes equipped with only 256MB of memory, so memory upgrades for it are a must. Apple doesn't offer aftermarket memory upgrades for the mini. The pricing listed below is their upgrade pricing at the time of ordering - if you don't buy the upgrade when you order, you're out of luck for support from Apple. Luckily, five other companies are able to fill the void - performance, warranty and compatibility are all the same between these folks, so let's look at pricing.

The Mac mini only has a single 184-pin memory slot, so we're only looking at single stick configurations. The mini will accept both PC2700 (DDR333) and PC3200 (DDR400) DIMMs, but they will only run at PC2700 speeds.

Mac mini Memory 512MB DDR333 1GB DDR333
Apple Upgrade $75 $325
Crucial $72 $220
Kingston $126 $307
Mushkin $90 $190
OCZ $128 N/A
PDP $80 $194

Once again, Crucial comes out on top actually being cheaper than Apple's upgrade at $72. For a 1GB module, Mushkin takes the cake here at $190.


Crucial CT431638 (512MB) / Crucial CT431637 (1GB)



Kingston KTA-G4333/512 (512MB) / Kingston KTA-G4333/1G (1GB)


Mushkin PC2700 512MB / 1GB


OCZ didn't have a line specifically for the mini, but their G5 modules worked just fine. The one problem with OCZ's G5 module is that it has a heatspreader, making it a very tight fit in the mini.


PDP PSA512G4 (512MB) / PDP PSA1GG4 (1GB)

PowerBook G4 Memory Power Mac G5 Memory
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  • Reflex - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    Re-read the first page guys, the Mac does NOT use any other speed than what they ship with. You cannot get better performance with lower latency or higher frequency memory, it simply will run it at the same specs as whatever you replaced it with.
  • Shinei - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    From what I gathered from the article, Macs won't even POST if you tinker with the frequency or timings of the RAM... Unless I missed something, in which case, I'm with poster #1.
  • Chuckles - Tuesday, March 1, 2005 - link

    Hey Anand,
    I'm curious as to the effect of changing the latency of the memory on a Mac. Did you test any modules with 2-2-2 ratings and compare them performance wise with higher latency modules?

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