Overclocked Performance

Thus far, the Pentium M's performance is improved in some areas, but still remains weak overall in multimedia content creation applications, workstation apps, and media encoding. The ASUS CT-479 adapter allows the Pentium M to have more memory bandwidth than it needs, so if removing that bottleneck doesn't send the Pentium M to the top of the charts, then there's only one solution to improve its performance - overclocking.

Overclocking on the ASUS P4P800-SE with the CT-479 adapter is a much more positive experience than on any of the 855GME motherboards simply because the platform is far more stable when overclocked. But remember, you can't adjust the CPU core voltage or multiplier, so your only overclocking options are through increasing the FSB.

The Pentium M 770 has a 16.0x default clock multiplier running at a 133MHz FSB; we bumped the FSB up to 160MHz and took the CPU up to 2.56GHz. The memory speed stayed at a 5:4 ratio, which put our memory bus running at DDR400 speeds. Everything else remained the same, so let's look at how performance improved.

Overclocked Workstation Performance

With the exception of a couple of SPECviewperf tests, the Pentium M running at 2.56GHz ends up being a pretty formidable contender in our workstation tests:

Overclocked Performance - SPECviewperf 8 - 3dsmax 3.1 Performance

Overclocked Performance - SPECviewperf 8 - CATIA V5R12 Performance

Overclocked Performance - SPECviewperf 8 - Lightscape Visualization System Performance

Overclocked Performance - SPECviewperf 8 - Maya V5 Performance

Overclocked Performance - SPECviewperf 8 - Pro/ENGINEER Performance

Overclocked Performance - SPECviewperf 8 - Solidworks 2004 Performance

Overclocked Performance - SPECviewperf 8 - Unigraphics V17

Overclocked Performance - Visual Studio 6 Compiler Performance

Workstation Applications Overclocked Media Encoding Performance
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  • merkmal - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    I don't understand why there wasn't a direct comparison here between the i855 and the i865. It seems very un-anandtech like to go on and on about how this is such an improvment over the i855 setups and then not even show 2 of the same clocked processors in both setups to show if that really is the case. Testing a "faster" setup with a processor that is already known to be faster simply by the fact that it is clocked at stock speeds faster isn't a very good comparison or argument for better performance either.

    I understand the fact that lots of readers are interested in using a Pentium-M on the desktop and would like to know how it compares to other desktop processors, but I thought that was clear from the previous article on exactly that. This article should have been only Pentium-Ms in a variety of setups. It's easy to check back at the old article and see relatively how the new setup compares to the other desktop only processors.

    I'm just very dissapointed in this article. I appauled you on the reviewing of the adapter, but think the comparisons drawn were just shoddy and un-thought out.
  • VIAN - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    Can't wait for Intel to do away with the P4 and step in with a suped-up PM.

    Or at least do away with the EE, market the PM as a multimedia chip and the P4 as a workstation chip.
  • kmmatney - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    NewEgg doesn't sell the 770 cpu, and it would be incredibly expensive if they did. Can you test the cheapest P-M, and see how it overclocks?
  • PandaBear - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    Yeah PM is the way to go in the future. P4 architecture is getting way too inefficient and burn way too much power that it is not going to grow from where we are now. I am sure Intel is fully aware of this but keep it under the cover to avoid tanking the P4 sales. What would the customer think the PC they spend big bucks for is slower and hotter than a laptop CPU hacked from last generation technology, that would be a slap on the face.

    Anyhow, I still think A64 has better architecture for long term growth. Now if they come up with integrated North Bridge that has 20 PCIe lane in replacement of the HT port....
  • RockHydra11 - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    I don't understand the "desktop killer" thing...It never was intended for the desktop.It was centered to compete with anything else that was on the notebook platform, so Intel was not generating it to perform well against desktop processors, let alonre FLAGSHIP desktop processors. It is what it is, and that's that. Yonah is going to be the one centered toward real desktop performance.
  • Mingon - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    Would have been nice to have run in both single and dual channel configs so as to see if the chip is bandwidth starved.

  • 68GTX - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    Looks like Legit reviews is currently testing with a new beta bios with voltage options.

    "Part 2 is being updated... ASUS-USA sent me over a new BETA BIOS that is awesome. Fixes the performance issues and the voltage issues that were noted in the article... Take a look at the new voltages..."

  • Mangler - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    Legit Reviews also has this adapter reviewed today at: http://www.legitreviews.com/article.php?aid=181

    They compared an Intel 770 CPU on both the DFI 855GME-MGF motherboard and the ASUS P4P800SE for an apples to apples look. (i855GM versus i865PE)

    They focus more on overclocking and use of the kit. A must read for any enthusiast.
  • Goi - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    #12, you can't say that tha Pentium M is based on old technology. There are many power saving techniques on the Pentium M that aren't implemented in the P4, both in the microarchitectural level, circuit level and logic level. The Pentium M is a hybrid between the P3 and the P4, but to say that it's closer to the P3, I'm not sure I agree with that. It does use executation units that are simialr to the P3's, but there are many areas where they are different, including the issue/control logic, which is a BIG part of microprocessors nowadays(and really, in the past decade or so).
  • mrmorris - Thursday, March 24, 2005 - link

    I'd like to point out that while the Pentium-M offer sub-desktop performance at worst, it does so with out heating up the room or requireing earplugs to dampen the fan noise! Therefore, as an office/coorporate workstation it fits perfect.

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