Quake 4 Performance

Really, there is unfortunately little to report here. It doesn't look like this test benefits at all from the updated driver. This leads us to wonder if OpenGL games benefit from it at all. We will definitely add another OpenGL test to our next review in order to find out.

Quake 4 Performance

Quake 4 Performance

Quake 4 Performance

Quake 4 Performance

Quake 4 Performance

Quake 4 Performance

FarCry Performance Final Words
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  • wien - Sunday, December 4, 2005 - link

    Way to talk for everyone... I care, so there.
  • Jep4444 - Sunday, December 4, 2005 - link

    not like games these days are CPU bottlenecked, thats why we really only see improvements at 800x600, nVidia doesn't gain much in the higher resolutions either
  • porkster - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - link

    Obviously you don't multitask? Like do you run a bittorrent client downlaoding off ADSL2 whilst playing a game, or run a IIS server in the background, or run other apps?

    The days are gone of having a single task able computer as most users want multitasking due to their better understand and use of their machines.
  • keitaro - Sunday, December 4, 2005 - link

    That's odd. I thought they're going to use either the X2 4800, the 4400, or the 3800 CPU for the test... I'm a little surprised that they'd go for the 4600 to benchmark this.
  • johnsonx - Sunday, December 4, 2005 - link

    what difference does it make? it's a dual-core cpu. for this sort of test, it makes no difference whether a 4600 is most popular to buy or not (which I agree it isn't).
  • Shimmishim - Sunday, December 4, 2005 - link

    first post!

    looks promising for ATI.

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