Black and White 2 Performance

Black and White 2 is completely unplayable with CrossFire. Anyone who has a CrossFire setup will need to disable it in order to get any kind of useful performance out of Black and White 2. We aren't exactly impressed with ATI's performance in general under this game, but it is clear that this game and ATI's multiGPU solution do not get along. SuperTiling is used for B&W2, and we really aren't sure why we are seeing this type of performance. It seems a bit odd to be inundated with red during BW2's ATI splash screen while performance is so abysmal.

The test was run with all the graphics options set on the highest level in all cases. We would hope to see ATI's latest generation handle high quality as well as their previous generation, and, whatever the problem is, someone needs to fix this. Only 1280x960 was tested because the performance was so low and because it was too difficult to even navigate the menu due to the low frame rate.

Black and White 2 Performance

Black and White 2 Performance 4xAA

Battlefield 2 Performance Day of Defeat Performance
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  • tuteja1986 - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - link

    i meant to say BF2 :( i know i am an idiot >>> Anyways please forgive me and i have a 7800GTX so don't call me a ATI fanboy , i can even take a screenshot if you want :!
  • tfranzese - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - link

    So were back here today with the CrossFire solution that should have been: the ATI Radeon X1800 CrossFire Edition.

  • tfranzese - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - link

    So lets all throw a shit fit about every company that ever announced a product only to have availability weeks to years from that announcement.

    Anandtech staff is just as bad as it's two year old readers who tie emotions in with silicon. Grow up and learn some patience - if you can't wait, buy someone elses product and stop your whining.
  • tuteja1986 - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - link

    crossfire does great in DOD source , Black and White 2 and it beats Nvidia 7800GTX 512MB SLI . how ever it doesn't great in DOOM 3 engine. FEAR and Chaos theory it manages to defeat the 7800GTX 256MB SLI easy but in high quality of chaos theory it keeps up with 7800GTX 512MB. X1800XT crossfire has only one problem and that it suck in DOOM engine benchmark but overall its great.
  • jonny13 - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - link

    "crossfire does great in DOD source , Black and White 2 and it beats Nvidia 7800GTX 512MB SLI "

    You obviously didn't read the article if you thought Crossfire did great in Black and White 2. It failed to get above 12 fps and was over 50% slower than a single x1800XT at times.
  • BigLan - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - link

    No x1800 master cards showing on Newegg or CompUSA's website as of 10AM EST. Really hope ATi make good on their availability promises this time.
  • michaelpatrick33 - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - link

    I think the R580 chipset and videocard will be the real crossfire shot at SLI. This feels a little early generation SLI to me and they seriously need to get rid of the dongle, LOL. I can't wait to see the R580 in relation to the 7800GTX 512 market edition card.
  • radekhulan - Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - link

    Problem is that current ATI Crossfire setup is way inferior to NVIDIA SLI, despite big heading "ATI MultiGPU done right", and I do not believe this will change much with hyped R580.

    With NVIDIA I can:

    - mix any similar cards, being it 6800GS/GT, 7800GT, 7800GTX, 7800GTX-512, thus saving costs
    - get much better drivers
    - get support for user defined game profiles, thus when I purchase a new game, I do not have to wait a month or two for card producer to come up with new drivers and that game support (ie. with ATI I will play new games using SuperTiling with 0% to -50% "improvement", with NVIDIA I will create a new game profile using e.g. AFR2 and get immediate 90% improvement)
    - there is no huge external dongle, and I guess picture quality should be better as well with SLI
    - there is much better availibility of NFORCE4-SLI chipsets / motherboards
    - I can connnect up to 4 monitors to NVIDIA SLI, but I cannot to Crossfire
    - I can switch NVIDIA SLI on/off without restart
    - I get better performance with NVIDIA SLI

    ATI Crossfire seems still like an afterthought, nothing else, while NVIDIA SLI is a technology incorporated into the core. If I want to game on 1600x1200, the only real option is to get NVIDIA SLI.

    I understand that Anandtech cannot bash Crossfire too much, to keep good relations with ATI, free products, shows, trips, etc., but I belive that superiority of NVIDIA SLI is very clear here..
  • Visual - Thursday, December 22, 2005 - link

    I don't know what you're talking about.
    - you can't mix any of the cards you listed with each other, except a GTX with a GTX512 (gotta use only 256mb from each, and run the 512 model at the normal GTX speeds);
    - dont see how drivers are better
    - dunno if a profile tool/editor for ati exists or is in the making, so cant comment on this; but you're overestimating the improvement on nvidia
    - its just a cable; your guess about the quality comes from what grounds? guess what, you guessed wrong.
    - point, unless you go intel; but i seriously hope both ATI and nVidia will release unlocked crossfire drivers that work on any dual16x board
    - last i checked, you can't use the outputs on the secondary card in SLI mode, you have to switch SLI off first; i might be counting on outdated information, but i doubt it.
    - yeah, and you do that how often? i bet its much fun and enjoyment... no seriously, you're right that this is a convenient feature as occasionally you'd have to switch it, but it doesnt seem too important does it? plus there's no telling if crossfire can't do the same eventually.
    - again an unfounded claim

    Indeed Crossfire seems like an afterthought to me too, and nVidia's superiority here is (atleast was, until recently) clear. But that's the good part of competition - nVidia forced ATI to "afterthink" something out, and it will be getting better with time. Crossfire is just as serious an option as SLI, and if you stick with your "the only real option is to get NVIDIA SLI" you're just purpously closing your eyes.

    Think what you want, I don't really care. But don't preach unfounded fanboyism without expecting to face differing oppinions.
  • coldpower27 - Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - link

    However, 7800 GTX 512 is not the competitor for R580, that competitor is G71, which is supposed to be due in Early Feburary as opposed to R580's Late January.

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