Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends is a game that we recently added to our list of benchmarks as a good third-person strategy game benchmark. First-person shooter games are always popular but aren't the only games people play on computers, and we need some tests to be able to reflect card performance for all types of games.

This is the first of our "fraps" benchmarks, and it basically consists of a twenty minute recording of a battle between several humans players using different races. We run fraps throughout the whole game (sped up to 4x) to get a good average framerate from start to finish. We test Rise of Legends with the graphics slider all the way to "look better" to enable all of the high quality settings. RoL doesn't support 800x600 resolution, so if you are so unlucky as to have a monitor that is limited to this resolution, you won't be able to play this game (and you probably won't want to use an ATI card because their .NET driver interface won't display properly at 800x600 either).

Rise of Legends

Rise of Legends

Rise of Legends

While this isn't a stealth-style game like Splinter Cell, the game is still more playable at lower framerates than other games like Battlefield 2 and F.E.A.R. However, this is much newer game than Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, and as such it is more demanding on your graphics hardware as our test results show.

A framerate of 20 fps is about the lowest you will want to experience while playing this game, and only the 7800 GT and 7600 GT can achieve this at up to 1600x1200 resolution. Unfortunately this game isn't really playable at any resolution with cards like the X1300 Pro and 7300 GS without turning down the graphics quality settings. If Rise of Legends is your game of choice and you must have one of these silent cards, the Gigabyte 7600 GS is your best option given the performance and price.

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory F.E.A.R.
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  • Leo V - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    ...I can buy a high-end 7800GT substantially cheaper, buy a quiet Zalman 80mm low-rpm GPU cooler and run it undervolted at 7V. (In fact, I have done exactly that.) It will be cheaper, run WAY cooler, and be quieter, because I can get rid of a case fan that I would need with a "silent" card anyway.

    The idea of running a 50-100watt GPU with a silent cooler is dubious -- you still need a fan somewhere in your system, and the best place is closest to the hottest parts. Those parts are naturally the CPU and GPU.

    Instead of "silent" (but not really) high-end cards, give us cards with heatpipes + large, slow quiet fans that can be undervolted.

    Most importantly, ATI and NVIDIA please stop making 100watt monsters and follow Intel's and AMD's lead in improving power efficiency.
  • yyrkoon - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    Sorry, I cant say I would agree that a fan would be quieter than a passive solution, I dont care if you could run it at 1V, and did :)
  • Leo V - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link


    ...I can buy a high-end 7800GT substantially cheaper

    e.g. substantially cheaper than the holy grail "silent" version of the 7800GT.

    And Kudos to the companies for the inventive products and to Anandtech for covering them.
  • hkBst - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    I've been waiting for a review of the passively cooled 7900GT from MSI for a while and I was expecting it to be in here. How can it not be?

    Look here: http://www.msi.com.tw/program/products/vga/vga/pro...">http://www.msi.com.tw/program/products/vga/vga/pro...
  • DerekWilson - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    We sent multiple requests for cards out to 16 different graphics card manufacturers. I'd say we did pretty well with more than half of those responding.

    We also requested that each manufacturer send us all their passively cooled cards. If something was left out it was either because the manufacturer decided not to send it, or we weren't able to get ahold of it before our submission deadline. We tested a lot of cards and have been working on this for quite some time, so silent cards that have come out recently or were not widely available until recently will not have been included.
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    Also, the MSI 7900GT Silent card is only available in Europe, and we did mention this in the review.
  • haris - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    Any chance you could retest the cards using a mid range system. It seems kind of silly to test an FX-55 with a $50-100 video card.
  • nullpointerus - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    Yet Another Silly Performance Retest Request (YAMPRR)

    Testing an FX-55 with a $50-100 video card is not silly; testing graphics cards' performance relative to each other requires removing all other factors including the CPU and RAM. Not everyone has a "mid-range" system, and those who do not have a "mid-range" system do not want the results skewed just to make your life easier. If you want specific performance advice for your particular system and games, why do you not join and post in the forums?
  • ss284 - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    Well considering the majority of people who are looking for midrange graphics cards have a midrange system, his request is a perfectly good one. Unless Anandtech enjoys targeting the minority of its readers it should be doing more applicable performance testing. Then again, the FX-55 isnt exactly a cutting edge processor anymore. Just scale everything back 10% and you will have a rough estimate of what performance would be like on a mid range system.
  • nullpointerus - Thursday, August 31, 2006 - link

    Yet Another Defense of a YAMPRR (YADY). *yawn*

    Well considering the majority of people who are looking for midrange graphics cards have a midrange system, his request is a perfectly good one.

    No, it's a silly one. The point of the article is to compare graphics cards, not to make life easier for a certain group of people. People who follow this esoteric stuff religiously tend to distill the information into a more practical form. And as I said, the information he wanted is readily available in the forums. A couple of mouse clicks and a bit of typing is better than ignorantly saying the video card article is silly for not providing framerates similar to some mythical ideal of a mid-range system.

    Unless Anandtech enjoys targeting the minority of its readers it should be doing more applicable performance testing.

    How about you go where the information is normally provided instead of trying to turn all the front page articles into your personal system upgrade newsfeeds?

    Could we just skip ahead to where everyone chimes in with their own ideas of what a mid-range system is. Does it use AMD or Intel? Single or multi-core? How much RAM? Which timings? Which system boards? Which components are overclocked?

    I'll make a deal with you: get together a mid-range system that everyone will agree on, and then I will agree with you that we should conflate graphics cards testing with mid-range system testing. You see, ridding the comments section of silly YAMPRR and YADY posts will not benefit anyone if we still have to deal with all the senseless bickering about little details such as chipset revisions, features, and all the other inane griping I have seen posted when Anandtech picks out a CPU, overclocking, or RAM configuration as representative of X-range systems.

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