Temperatures (Ambient 25°C)

During room temperature testing we don't see any results that would cause us concern. All three of the heatsinks stay under 40°C. The exhausted air reaches up to 35°C which is a very good result as well.

Power Factor Correction Temperatures (Ambient 25-50°C)
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  • mostlyprudent - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    Read the test methodology article.
  • neogodless - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    Did you find any issues with the modular design? Obviously the efficiency was good. Could anything else have been affected by the additional connection point?
  • Christoph Katzer - Tuesday, July 24, 2007 - link

    I am in the midle of testing that with other models. I will write something which will bring light in this in matter...

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