Things to Consider

Readers have been screaming that we are ignoring photo beginners and the point-and-shoot crowd. We hope that this year those readers no longer feel ignored. It's amazing to us how fast the P&S market has dropped in price and consolidated features. That made it much easier to find and recommended the $100 choices and the superzoom point-and-shoots. If you have suggestions for future recommendations, we would welcome hearing from you.

Last year when we looked at the DSLR market we commented, "It certainly appears that the DSLR camp is going to be split by manufacturers in the near future to full-frame pro models and APS C entry to prosumer models. This will require companies to support two lens lines with some overlap, but the pros will win this one and we will still be using mainly 35mm glass for quality results on the APS C cameras. There will be cheaper 'small sensor' lenses, as there now are, but perhaps fewer of these in the future."

The split has happened and we have a pretty clear delineation these days of the full-frame and crop-sensor markets. We did not see it coming last year, but there is also change coming from the bottom of the market in the next couple of years. In case you missed it, we are firmly convinced that the Panasonic G1 is truly revolutionary and will bring dramatic change to both the point-and-shoot and DSLR markets. The large sensor point-and-shoots are coming and they will push up into the DSLR market with new models without mirror boxes, new smaller lenses, and a Live View and easy Movie Mode that will push even higher into DSLR space.

Panasonic has proved with the G1 that you can take today's point-and-shoot features like Live View that all DSLRs are now featuring, rework it so it's faster and more useful, and make that feature palatable and desirable to real DSLR photographers. That means we will see new cheaper and smaller lenses at the middle, pushing their way up into prosumer DSLR space. That could also mean a lot of new lenses in new form factors - with current lens offerings from the current DSLR players just moving up the food chain.

Then there is the subject of movies on the DSLR. One industry analyst believes all pros will be shooting mainly HD video on interchangeable lens DSLRs within 2 years. Editors will grab frames they want for "still media" from the HD movie clips the pros shoot. That's a pretty wild prediction - or is it? Perhaps the Canon 5D Mark II is just the beginning of a deluge.

One thing we can be sure of is that the lines between image and electronics are getting ready to go through a major blurring in the next few years. What is now a camera, or a DSLR, or a movie camera, or lenses, or optics, are about to change in definition faster than we can think of new ways to use the evolving technology. Photo purists who complain about things like noise reduction on a Sony sensor or image processing chips in Panasonic cameras that correct for lens distortion are likely to find some of these changes very frustrating. This level of upheaval is always a time of frustration as things we know change very rapidly.

By this point, we hope we have shed some new light on your holiday shopping for a digital camera. Our recommendations may not be popular with some, but we have personally spent time with every camera discussed in this guide and we call them like we see them. Have fun shopping for the best buy in a digital camera this holiday season - whether your treasure is a $100 point-and-shoot or a $3000 full-frame DSLR.

There are many great buys out there and you will likely see lots of super prices as manufacturers fight for market share in this worldwide economic slowdown. Performance is good enough on most of these entry cameras that you would not be wrong to shop for the best price you can find in a category. Just make sure you ask the right questions to get exactly what you want. Whatever you choose, be sure to take lots of digital pictures of your family and friends opening their Holiday presents.

Happy Holidays from AnandTech!

Full-Frame DSLRs
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  • Flyboy27 - Friday, November 28, 2008 - link

    Nikon D40. Seriously why would I need anything with more MP. Talk about fast and easy to use. Size and weight are very reasonable too. I can turn it on and take a picture before your p/s warms up.
  • Flyboy27 - Friday, November 28, 2008 - link

    I would like anandtech to have a serious discussion about magapixels. Why do higher megapixels matter? For web? no! The only way MPs matter is if your printing huge and by huge I mean greater than 20x30. How many times do you need prints that big anyways. Anyone that wants ultimate resolution is going to shoot film anyways. Film can be scanned by a professional lab at higher resolution than any DSLR can take. Just because you have a 20MP camera doesn't mean that you can resolve all those pixels anyways. My point? It is dumb to pay more for more megapixels. Any modern digital camera has enough MPs for any amateur and most pros.

    WTF is pro-sumer? = amateur photo geek with money. I doubt that pro photographers read this site for advice on cameras. They know what they want already.

    All this said (if you want an upgrade from the D40) I think the D90 by Nikon would be a great camera if you want to go that route. It is not worth paying more for any other camera.

    I bought a DSLR for the ability to learn to use an SLR camera without having to pay for film. I can learn from my mistakes instantly instead of waiting for film to be developed/scanned. If I already knew how to use an SLR and was comfortable I would be shooting 35mm film and getting it scanned at a much higher resolution than any digital camera.
  • Wesley Fink - Saturday, November 29, 2008 - link

    If readers want to look a little deeper at sensor resolution, sensor size, and noise, take a look at our two part series on the Digital Sensor in The Digital Sensor: A Guide to Understanding Digital Cameras at"> and The Digital Sensor: Part 2 at">

  • Flyboy27 - Saturday, November 29, 2008 - link

    Thanks Wesley,

    I wont go into Digital vs. Film. That is something that a person can only decide for himself. I've already gone into my reasons why I shoot digitally. Besides its all about getting great pictures right? It is my belief that you can get great pictures from most of the cameras out there. Some cameras just make it easier to take more great pictures.

    Now my beef with resolution. Just as you have to sit close enough to a 1080p TV at a given size to tell the difference between it and a 720p set the same goes with digital photography. You have to ask yourself "What am I doing with these pictures that I'm going to be taking?" Am I going to make wall size prints? probably not. Am I going to make 20x30" prints? Maybe a few. Am I going to make 5x7s or 12x18s. Definitely. Am I going to use these photos on the web? Most Definitely. These are my answers and yours may be different but based on mine all I'll ever need is 6-10 mp. Fantastic, I don't have to pay extra for more mega pixels just because all the marketing says I do. Marketing tries it's hardest to make you go out an buy more than you need because they have to make money in order to make more cameras and stay in business.

    I do take issue with Norman Koren's test. In the test he scanned the film with a $700 scanner. Big deal. He just wiped out any advantage that film might have. He's comparing a digital camera with a scanner, not film. Once again I'm not saying film or digital are better than one another. Pros use both.

    I will check out Clark looks interesting and very technical.

    I do love anandtech. Quality articles, objective testing. I've recently stopped reading another site due to the slow decline in the quality of their articles/publishing philosophy. Anandtech is now my main source for news and advice on computer hardware. Plus you actually respond intelligently to commentators and most of the commentators comment intelligently as well. Thanks guys.
  • Wesley Fink - Saturday, November 29, 2008 - link

    Can you please provide the source for your information that film has higher resolution than any digital sensor? There are many experts who disagree with you.

    Norman Koren, the author of Imatest, which is a well-respected Resolution Test Suite, found the resolution of the top films to be equivalent to an 8.3 megapixel full-frame DSLR sensor at"> Clark at"> found that Fuji Velvia 100 and 50 were equivalent to a 10 megapixel sensor for intensity detail, and perhaps a 16 megapixel sensor for color detail. All other films he tested, including slide films, were lower in resolution. You can find charts for a wide variety of films at that link.

    Clark's final conclusion was 10 to 16 megapixels were the equivalent range of the various film types. Since his work was mostly APS-C sensors it is not really at odds with Koran's tests.

    Every other researcher who has tested has generally found 12 to 14 megapixels the equivalent of 35mm film. The larger resolution sensors do show any faults of your lenses and they require the very best glass to resolve those high resolutions.

    We did discuss the relevance of megapixels in the article in the discussion of P&S cameras. Our recommendation was that cameras with these tiny sensors - 1/10 to 1/20 the size of an APS-C sensor - have reached the best balance of resolution and noise at around 7 to 9 megapixels. Anything more than this is a waste with these tiny sensors TODAY, but that could change with new sensor technology.

    However, in the APS-C sensor the resolution trade-off probably is somewhere around 20 to 25 megapixels with current technology and somewhere around 40 to 50 megapixels in full-frame. Since the sensor is an Analog device that gathers light and converts it to digital info the physical size of the pixel is the most important specification for judging ISO range and noise.

    Prosumer is a designation used by almost every camera review site. It is the same as Advanced Amateur. It basically means a class of cameras geared to the hobbyist or advanced amateur that is also used by some Pros. The lines have become particularly blurred as sealing has improved in this class and technical advances have accelerated in digital imaging.
  • computerfarmer - Friday, November 28, 2008 - link

    Nikon D40 is a good camera with 6mp. Then there is the Nikon D40x with 10mp. Both have 23.7 x 15.6 mm CCD sensors. The D40x has ISO 100 and the D40 does not, it starts at ISO 200. The D60 has very little on the D40x and in some cases the D40x is better.

    You are correct in the fact the D40 will do the job and very well at that.
  • Nehemoth - Friday, November 28, 2008 - link

    I would like to get one new camera bellow the 200US mark, but I don't like the cannon design and I would like that only use 2 AA batteries (so some fujifilm are out), also I like the aesthetics of those old cameras, like DSLR design.

    Any recomendation?.

  • computerfarmer - Friday, November 28, 2008 - link

    The FujiFilm FinePix S700 has the DSLR look and is selling for 179CDN. It uses 4 AA batteries and has a 10x zoom. you can read user comments here">

    Good luck
  • Nehemoth - Friday, November 28, 2008 - link

    That's what I said before, I don't want fujitsu cause use 4 batteries, I would like of just 2 batteries.
  • ubiloo - Friday, November 28, 2008 - link

    I've been shooting since more than 20 years, I've used a lot of cameras from Canon, Nikon and Pentax.
    Even though the Pentax lacks a full-frame camera (shame! shame!), I'm deeply convinced of the fact that some current models really are among the best for the price. Why is Pentax so often absent from parades?
    In particular, I think that the K200D is terrifying for its street price (I don't know about the K-m); I've now been using it for some time and it's a real solid camera with good, sometimes very good, picture quality. I bought it for at least €100 than any comparable camera. This particular model also deletes one of the drawbacks of previous models: with its kit lens, the auto-focus speed is really convincing, try to believe!
    As for lenses, both Sigma and Tamron are available, so whenever Pentax is weak, they deliver...

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