Power Supply Quality

As part of our testing, we also check output parameters are within specifications, as well as voltage ripple and line noise.

Main Output
Load (Watts) 203.21 W 507.02 W 757.83 W 1009.06 W
Load (Percent) 20.32% 50.7% 75.78% 100.91%
  Amperes Volts Amperes Volts Amperes Volts Amperes Volts
3.3 V 2.27 3.45 5.66 3.45 8.5 3.4 11.33 3.37
5 V 2.27 5.18 5.66 5.16 8.5 5.09 11.33 5.06
12 V 15.1 12.16 37.75 12.14 56.62 12.11 75.5 12.1


Line Regulation
(20% to 100% load)
Voltage Ripple (mV)
20% Load 50% Load 75% Load 100% Load CL1
3.3V + 5V
3.3V 2.4% 12 18 18 18 16 24
5V 2.2% 16 18 20 22 18 26
12V 0.5% 16 24 28 32 30 24

The electrical performance of the GIGABYTE UD1000GM PG5 is admittedly better than we initially surmised. There is strong filtering on the primary voltage output, with the GIGABYTE UD1000GM PG5 displaying a maximum ripple of 32 mV on the 12V line under maximum load, which is around 25% of the recommended design limit. The voltage regulation of the 12V line is equally impressive, at less than 0.5%. GIGABYTE’s engineers neglected the 3.3V and 5V lines a little, as the regulation is at about 2.2% and the voltage ripple goes up to 45% of the design limit. These power quality figures are very good for a product of this tier.


The announcement of Intel’s new ATX v3.0 specifications was bound to start a race, as every company is looking to establish itself among the early adopters as a means of growing with the larger market. GIGABYTE took a little different approach here – instead of developing a whole new platform capable of fulfilling all of ATX v3.0 requirements, they simply upgraded one of their existing units and added one 600 Watt 12VHPWR connector to it.


It is the first time we have ever seen a platform from Xiamen Metrotec, the OEM of this unit. The OEM obviously needs to be following the design and guidance of the final developer, which is GIGABYTE in this case. Nevertheless, it appears that they are doing a very good job with their core topology designs and assembly process, both of which we found to be very clean. However, the quality of the components used by GIGABYTE for the production of the UD1000GM PG5 is wanting. The PSU comes with a very long warranty but most of the components, passive and active alike, are of middling quality. Taking into account the high internal temperatures that the UD1000GM PG5 reaches under stress, we feel that GIGABYTE’s engineers are being a little too confident.

When it comes to performance, the GIGABYTE UD1000GM PG5 will not be entering the hall of fame. However, all things considered, it is fairly well-balanced. The power quality of the unit is very good, with excellent regulation and filtering on the primary voltage line and adequate figures on the secondary lines. It is adequately efficient so as to achieve an 80Plus Gold certification with an input voltage of 115 VAC, yet only barely, so there is room for improvement. The only real disadvantage of the UD1000GM PG5 is its small size, which forced the engineers to use a smaller 120 mm fan, making the unit run both hotter and louder than most equally powerful units. This only becomes a true issue while the unit is heavily loaded though, and should not be bothering typical users while they simply want to do their work or browse. The performance of the GIGABYTE UD1000GM PG5 is unimpressive by today’s standards but, taking into account the retail price of the unit, it is good overall.

The true advantage that GIGABYTE’s UD1000GM PG5 currently has is simple – no competition. It is virtually the only unit with a 12VHPWR connector currently available. If someone needs to purchase a powerful PSU right now and expects to be upgrading their graphics card in the near future and/or often, the UD1000GM PG5 is  essentially the only choice with respect to forward-compatibility. That being said, one has to remember that this unit does not fully fulfill the ATX v3.0 requirements - it is unlikely but not unfathomable that the UD1000GM PG5 may not be able to handle future graphics card releases that could produce excessive transient loads.

Regardless, the current retail price of $160 is reasonable for an 80Plus Gold certified unit with that kind of output, so buyers are not paying a severe premium for the new 12VHPWR connector. However, if you are not in a rush to purchase a PSU right now, we err on the side of caution, and recommend waiting for actual ATX v3.0 compliant units to pop into the market.

Hot Test Results (~45°C Ambient)
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  • Threska - Thursday, June 23, 2022 - link

    Wonder if "heavily loaded" will be the new norm with the upcoming video cards?
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, June 23, 2022 - link

    If people keep buying them regardless of the absurd power consumption, then yes. There will probably be a segment of the population that mindlessly chases more computer performance regardless of the lack of practical usefulness or implications it has for our shared planet. Those selfish sorts want their entertainment no matter the cost in resources or the impact it has in the long term.
  • mode_13h - Thursday, June 23, 2022 - link

    Yeah, I'm really hoping graphics cards with insane power dissipation numbers start to experience weaker uptake. As long as people keep buying them, manufacturers will keep building them.
  • hansmuff - Monday, June 27, 2022 - link

    People buy 3090 cards for their gaming performance. But those people are few, we just hear about them more because we travel in enthusiast circles.

    It's a given people will put up with 600W cards, however I imagine just the heat output alone, not even talking noise, will be unbearable in a regular size room. I mean, I throttle my 3080 to 250W, losing just a little performance but that's as much as I can take heat and noise wise; noise of course being particular to my model.

    Anyhow. What I thusly wish is that these cards come with a switch that puts it in, for instance, a 300W max draw mode. Something people can use to boot the card with a 550/600W power supply, and then downvolt/downclock once in the OS.

    That would make sense to me and would make me consider such a card. Those who want the thing to scream can have that, and I can have mine.

    And I know a good number of cards have speed selectors/BIOS configuration selectors on them, but oftentimes they're not offering something that cuts down performance 20-30%, which is probably around what is needed for what I wish to exist.
  • nucc1 - Tuesday, July 26, 2022 - link

    Why not buy a 3060 then?
  • rtho782 - Monday, June 27, 2022 - link

    Our long term plan for the planet shouldn't really involve worrying about 600W GPUs. They are a tiny segment anyway, but we should be looking for renewables, energy storage, and hell maybe fusion, to make electrical energy use irrelevant in the next couple of decades.

    If GPUs ran on coal I'd be worried but we just need to stop using fossil fuels.
  • rtho782 - Monday, June 27, 2022 - link

    And in any case, for every one person buying a 600W GPU, there are probably 10+ "petrolhead" car owners doing far more damage to the environment.
  • melisjan - Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - link

    Hi I don't want to be anyhow offensive towars you, but renewable sources as substitute of traditional coal/gas/nuclear powerplants are just a dream of people who don't undrstand physics. We in Europe can see it for example in Germany. You need to understand that not every country have sunshine like on Sahara, not everywhere is wind like on Baltic coast and definitely not everywhere is river where you can build huge dam.
  • Zoolook - Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - link

    Luckily we have nuclear then, unless incompetent politicians ban them without reason.
  • mode_13h - Monday, July 4, 2022 - link

    > incompetent politicians ban them without reason.

    You're being sarcastic, right? Don't you know Germany has been decommissioning all of its nuclear plants for more than a decade? Germans got scared by seeing the Fukushima disaster and Green politicians capitalized on that fear.

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