This morning we stopped by TI's power management group to check out what all they had in store, and got to check out some demos of their new second generation wireless power chipsets. The new solutions meet the 5W Wireless Power Consortium (Qi) standard, and have a smaller total package area. TI demoed the BQ51013 second generation small form factor power Rx PCB charging a variety of devices, including a Kindle. In addition, TI has some newer small form factor (BQ5002010 and BQ5002011) charging Tx solutions that further reduce BOM cost and require lower input voltage compared to their first generation counterparts.

TI also briefly teased its upcoming 10W solution charging an iPad 2. Though the current standard is just 5W for smartphones (1A@5V) obviously charging tablets and larger devices is something coming down the road for the Wireless Power Consortium. At present, inductive chargers achieve around 70% efficiency. 


At present, inductive chargers for smartphones generally require an external sleeve or accessory battery cover with the inductive coil and charger inside. Newer second-generation Rx solutions will drive down the size of the inductive charging solution, and inductive coils PCB (instead of hand-wound coils) will make it possible to eventually also make including wireless charging support on the boards themselves.

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  • iwod - Thursday, January 12, 2012 - link

    I could never understand the reason behind why i need wireless charging.

    I need a special adopter. ( O.o ? )
    I need to place it on a special station......

    It is expensive

    I much rather prefer cable....
  • Sapan - Thursday, January 12, 2012 - link

    True but in a few years the coil will be inside the phone allowing for charging by just putting your phone near a transmitter (possibly built into the desk or powerstrip)

    Then we'll have phones without any ports - truly monolith designs

    HDMI replaced with WiGig Direct
    USB replaced with FTP over Wi-fi Direct
    SIM built in
    3.5mm replaced with Bluetooth low power

    and headphones can also be wirelessly charged!
  • CaioRearte - Friday, January 13, 2012 - link

    Noob question, but are the physics possible?
  • iwod - Saturday, January 14, 2012 - link

    That was exactly what i thought. You can only get so much power when the size of the coil is so small to be integrated inside the phone. But of coz they would properly solve that in the future.... but not in the near future though.
  • mbzastava - Sunday, January 15, 2012 - link

    yes the physics is all there. it is basically nothing more than two coils that are set to resonate together. the current standard (no pun intended) pushes low voltage and high current 1A@5V which is the type of power you would push through a physical pwer cord. hence why the unit needs to be sitting directly on the transmitting pad. real wireless power transfer must happen at much higher voltages, and much higher frequencies. see link below by sigmatu for a description of what i'm talking about.
  • sigmatau - Friday, January 13, 2012 - link

    There is no way the SIM will be built in. The whole pupose of the SIM is to be able to REMOVE it so that you can use another one from another carrier. The SIM will just be replaced with software possibly that is backed up seperately.
  • Aries1470 - Sunday, January 15, 2012 - link

    For USB, there is already a wireless standard, it is called "USB Wireless". :-)
    Why "SIM Built in"? You do not need a sim card ;-) use the Japanese system, that they program the device itself. CDMA I beleive it is called.

    Else, I see that everrything is already achived.
  • r3loaded - Friday, January 13, 2012 - link

    Imagine a future where the charging adapter has a reach of a few metres, and is integrated into your desk or the walls. You could just walk into your room and your device will start charging automatically.

    Extending this concept, it'd be possible to take out the batteries from low power devices completely - imagine a wireless keyboard/mouse/remote which never needs batteries because it receives power from the room!
  • sigmatau - Friday, January 13, 2012 - link

    MIT has had a working model for over 5 years.

    This is what I think of when I see the word wireless charging, not the crap that is out today (which actually is not wireless like they claim.)
  • iwod - Saturday, January 14, 2012 - link

    I read that long time ago and still dont understand why it hasn't come to market. I guess they are doing long term testing in regards to wireless transmission of power health concerns to human.

    But THAT, is what really wireless power is. Not just another "Docking Station without Plugs" to your devices. ( But still need a cable to your docking station..... silly....... )

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