Benchmark Analysis

Black level adjustments were no where near what the Samsung 213T produced. However, we must consider that the LWX-30-AMS is almost twice as bright. The brighter image is considerably easier on our eyes when gaming or watching movies.

On the positive side, color replication and response time were both excellent on this LCD. Due to the intensity of the backlights, some of our intensity levels were a little washed out (particularly in the cyan range). This was not a major issue as denoted by the scorecard.

Interference was basically on part with what we had expected. Over the DVI connection, the ability to adjust the phase basically assured us that we would witness zero interference due to signal noise. Running the DisplayMate benchmark in conjunction with the SypderVision software helped us determine the phase early on after installing the monitor.

Any sort of glare on the unit was very minimal. Sitting next to the Samsung 213T, we noticed identical levels of glare. In fact, due to the brightness of the LCD, Albatron could have easily gone with a stronger coating without any repercussions in the image quality. The LWX-30-AMS is an excellent monitor for side viewing with low glare.

Subjective Analysis Final Thoughts
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  • Koing - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 - link

    LCD's look alright for 30"range but I am not a fan of LCD's for tv usage.

    Plasma's look MUCH better to my eyes for tv usage.

    The screen only running 1024x768 is pretty useless imo. Wasting all of that native screen resolution. Someone at the design should be shot! But good to get more lcd's on the market to drive the price down.

    Hey any reason why pc lcd's are not as bright or they don't have to be?

    I know my 12" Sony laptop lcd is bright enough at max for me. Same with my 23" monitor is very bright at max.

  • Shalmanese - Tuesday, March 9, 2004 - link

    Samsung Australia has a 0 dead pixel policy for their LCD's about 21" IIRC. I dont know about Samsung US.
  • pcpimp - Monday, March 8, 2004 - link

    I am saving my pennies for a LCOS or DLP tv. Never liked lcds and never owned one. They still cant solve the dead pixel problem, which I find unacceptable.
  • Shalmanese - Monday, March 8, 2004 - link

    cant you use powerstrip or something to force a 1280x1024 image?

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