ATI All-in-Wonder 128

by Mike Andrawes on April 1, 1999 12:53 AM EST

2D Performance

2D performance of the All-in-Wonder 128 is right up there with the best of them. In business applications, the All-in-Wonder 128 takes the lead over the Marvel G200, but lags behind the TNT and Banshee. Under high end applications, the All-in-Wonder 128 and Marvel G200 switch places. Considering the fact that the G200 is often used as a reference point for good 2D performance, there is no doubt the All-in-Wonder 128 is more than suitable for high resolution 2D work. In fact the 2D image quality is better than that of the Banshee and TNT, but slightly worse than the G200. This difference can easily make up the difference for the slightly slower scores.

Performance Summary

Clearly, the 3D performance of the All-in-Wonder 128 is in a close battle with nVidia's TNT for the lead among these cards and is leaps and bounds ahead of the Marvel G200. Clearly, the All-in-Wonder 128 excels from a performance stand point and has way more features than any TNT board on the market. It may not be able to stand up to the upcoming wave of TNT2's, Voodoo3's, and G400's, but for right now, there is no doubt the Rage 128 is a fast chip - certainly fast enough for the casual gamer. Further, none of those upcoming cards will be available in a form that offers nearly as much functionality as the All-in-Wonder 128. The only question that remains now is how well it stands up to the previous champ of multifunction devices - the Matrox Marvel G200.

The Test & 3D Performance ATI takes on Matrox
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