Intel Pentium III 866, 850

by Anand Lal Shimpi on March 20, 2000 12:24 AM EST

DesignReview (DRV-06) Viewset

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DesignReview is a 3D computer model review package specifically tailored for plant design models consisting of piping, equipment and structural elements such as I-beams, HVAC ducting, and electrical raceways. It allows flexible viewing and manipulation of the model for helping the design team visually track progress, identify interference, locate components, and facilitate project approvals by presenting clear presentations that technical and non-technical audiences can understand. There are 6 tests specified by the viewset that represent the most common operations performed by DesignReview.

The DRV-06 viewset is much more influenced by processor performance than the previous test which causes the nice performance curve we see above.

Just as the Pentium III held its ground in the gaming performance tests earlier, the Athlon is holding its ground here and quite well at that.

The 3.76 drivers from NVIDIA also seem to help the VIA 133A and KX133 chipsets improve performance here as they put the i820 + RDRAM setup to shame which brings up the question as to exactly what these drivers are doing that helps the VIA AGP core so well. It's obvious that these drivers aren't Athlon-only because their positive effects are felt by both the KX133 and 133A test platforms, so there's something that's shared by these two chipsets (their AGP core) that is performing much better with these drivers.

Whatever it is, professional users that are KX133 and 133A owners shouldn't be complaining at all but those that spent the $500 - $1000 on RDRAM have the right to feel a bit cheated.

Advanced Visualizer (AWadvs-03) Viewset Data Explorer (DX-05) Viewset
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