Intel Pentium III 866, 850

by Anand Lal Shimpi on March 20, 2000 12:24 AM EST

ProCDRS-02 Viewset

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The ProCDRS-02 viewset is a complete update of the CDRS-03 viewset. It is intended to model the graphics performance of Parametric Technology Corporation's CDRS industrial design software.

For more information on CDRS, see

The viewset consists of ten tests, each of which represents a different mode of operation within CDRS. Two of the tests use a wireframe model, and the other tests use a shaded model. Each test returns a result in frames per second, and a composite score is calculated as a weighted geometric mean of the individual test results. The tests are weighted to represent the typical proportion of time a user would spend in each mode.

All tests run in display list mode. The wireframe tests use anti-aliased lines, since these are the default in CDRS. The shaded tests use one infinite light and two-sided lighting. The texture is a 512 by 512 pixel 24-bit color image.

The ProCDRS-02 test actually begins to show an advantage to RDRAM for the first time in the entire SPECviewperf suite. The performance advantage is definitely negligible at best, but it's there. The Athlon still comes out on top.

Lightscape (Light-03) Viewset Final Words
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