How It Rates

Please note that the score given is a comparison between the ELSA GLADIAC and other GeForce 2 GTS cards on the market. This is not meant to reflect how GeForce 2 GTS cards compare to other video cards on the market processor wise. To find this information, please see our NVIDIA GeForce 2 GTS review. Also keep in mind that a score of five indicates standard performance. To learn more about our rating system, please click here.

AnandTech Video Card Rating

Rating (x/10)


Use of the reference design limits the extent by which the V7700 will dominate its competition. All cards based on the reference design perform nearly identically.



With a price of 349.99, the ASUS V7700 fits right in with the rest of the GeForce 2 GTS cards out there.



Although the foundation of the drivers are NVIDIA's reference design, additional visual tweaks give this driver package some style points. The included overclocking utility is a plus, as is the SmartDoctor utility.



Although the cost of adding a DVI connector to the card would have been marginal, ASUS chose to leave it off. In addition, no video-out option leaves the card a bit more separated from its upcoming V7700 Deluxe brother. However for all these negatives there is the hardware monitoring, a key feature that shows where ASUS shines.


Retail Availability

With a shipping date around the time you are reading this, ASUS cards have always been known to be relatively easy to find. Hopefully this will be the same with the V7700, however only time will tell.


Documentation & Software Bundle

The documentation included with the V7700 is exceptional. Not only is every aspect of the drivers explained, but the use of each feature is detailed. On the down side, the software bundle is poor at best. One would suspect that a new GPU would call for a new software package. Apparently ASUS does not think so.

Overall Rating

Note: The Overall Rating is not an average of all of the categories

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