The Gallery

In this section we will post pictures taken with the camera over out time testing it. Look for some reoccurring images, but for the most part each review will have it's own unique set of images.

The Specs

On the specification page we will include a quick reference table that can be use to get a quick run down on the digital camera as a whole. This table will include information the lens (zoom, f-stop), as well as a quick information run down on all the camera's specs, such as image sizes, CCD count, CCD size, shutter speeds, ect. We will constantly be updating our database of cameras and after reading a review it may prove to be quite helpful to compare spec tables to each other. The table will also summarize the results of our testing, quickly comparing image quality, color trueness, and more.

In addition, technical terms will be defined via our key word pop-up windows, aiding in the understanding of some key photographic terms.


As you can see, reviewing digital cameras is quite a task. With many terms to explain, many features to test, and many pictures to take, why would we every go about tackling such a task?

Well the answer is simple. As your source for hardware analysis and news, it is crucial that we take an objective view of all new types of technology. Digital cameras just happen to be one front we are expanding to in order to keep you informed.

Taking the art of picture taking and turning it into an objective review is quite a task, but by following the format laid out above, it is not impossible. With the above format as our guide, expect to see many digital camera reviews to come you way over time. We hope you enjoy checking our our digital camera reviews as we enjoy making them.

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