Overall Quality

Now that we've analyzed all of the parts individually, it's time to look at the final quality score taken from Video2000:

The GeForce2 GTS comes out on top, even higher than the ATI Radeon which was a bit of a surprise to us at first. But if you look at the difference in overall quality marks between the GeForce2 and the Radeon you'll notice that it translates to approximately a 5% difference. Remember the De-Interlacing test that the Radeon failed? That kicked it down the 5% necessary to give NVIDIA the lead.

We mentioned that the TNT2 couldn't complete any of the De-Interlacing tests which prevented the final production of a quality mark score.

In this comparison, the Savage 2000 would be the cutoff point for ideal quality, so anything over 1000 in this test seems to be ideal for now. It's disappointing to see the Voodoo3 and more importantly the Voodoo5 down at the bottom at levels lower than the two year old G200. In 3dfx's defense, the Voodoo series was never positioned as a home entertainment card, but then again neither was the GeForce2.

De-Interlacing – Results Features Comparison
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