With its iDCT and HWMC taken advantage of, it isn't a surprise that the Radeon pulls ahead by a noticeable amount, in fact it is the only real lead that is present among the contenders here. The Savage 2000 has a bit of a lead as well however the rest of the cards are pretty much on par with one another when it comes to overall performance. Remember that the NVIDIA cards (with the exception of the TNT2 that has no HWMC) are running in this benchmark without HWMC enabled for the reasons that we explained before, basically regarding the way Video2000 conducts its performance tests. Enabling HWMC would probably kick the GeForce2 GTS up to the level of the Savage 2000 but definitely not up to the Radeon. However, most of the differences here come from differences in the Blitter and Data transfer performance numbers and not from CPU usage numbers.

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