Our third FPS benchmark, UnrealTournament, illustrates a 15 - 16% performance boost because of our 'little' overclock. This is virtually identical to the performance improvement we saw under Quake III Arena which makes sense since UT is a very similar game. However the performance difference between the Athlon and the Duron extends to close to 10% here. Considering the price of the 750MHz Duron that we overclocked to 1GHz though, that 10% becomes very small, very quickly.

Expendable has always been a good cache/memory test, and we can see the results of that with the 20% increase in performance we saw under this test.

Finally, the Athlon at 1GHz comes out a full 11% faster than the Duron at 1GHz. But once again, when you factor in price the 11% performance difference loses a lot of attention.

Gaming Performance - OpenGL Office/Content Creation Performance
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