OpenGL Performance - Quake III Arena

At the low resolution of 640x480x32, all the cards perform pretty much the same. The Gainward CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! fell smack in the middle of the other two cards tested, but the performance difference between the cards is on the order of less than .5%.

At 1024x768x32 the story remains the same. All three cards tested perform nearly identically, with the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! going head to head with the MSI GeForce3 solution. Both of these cards outperform the ASUS offering, but by only .2 FPS or .1%.

Do we see a trend developing? The CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! runs neck and neck with the other GeForce3 cards including the more expensive ASUS V8700 Deluxe.

The Test Real-World Fillrate - Serious Sam
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