FSAA Performance

When Quincux FSAA is enabled on the GeForce3 cards, the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! is not able to keep its slight performance lead in Serious Sam, at least not in this resolution. The CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!!'s performance falls 1.6% from the top.

At 1024x768x32 with Quincux enabled, the differences between cards is eliminated. Although the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! lies at the bottom of the graph, it is only .2 FPS or .4% slower than the "fastest" card here.

Quincunx at 1600x1200x32 begins to show differences between cards, and this allows the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! to rise to the top again. Here, the CARDEXPERT GeForce3 PowerPack !!! performs a full 5% faster than the MSI card and 8% faster than the ASUS.

DX8 Performance - Aquamark Overclocking Results
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